Hoping For Green

I desperately want a green thumb.

It’s one of those things that I know I don’t have, and keep trying to get.

When I was a kid we had a small vegetable garden.  It was small, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t get much out of it…I’m thinking there was a lettuce or something.  Ever since buying the house though – I wanted a garden.  Bad.

I’m not stupid though, so I’ve been testing out my skills.

First, I tried a grow your own basil thing.  My little basils started growing and within days started wilting.  They had plenty of sunlight, enough water – but not too much water, and I was giving them lots of love (because basil needs love, I know)…but they died on me.

Last week we were given some more things to try.  These little individual pots for tomatoes, peppers, chives, basil and oregano.  So I thought, hey, why not try it again?  It couldn’t hurt, right?  Keep your fingers crossed for me guys, I’m really thinking this time is MY time.    If they work, I’ll be able to transfer them to the backyard and really get our garden started!

I’m dying to work outside, that would mean no more of these creepy dry soil pellets that grow to ten times their size in under 5 seconds when you add water.

I’m serious.  These things BOTHER me.

Do they BOTHER you?

They should – I mean, they even make a creepy slooshing noise as they’re growing.

I think you need a demonstration.

Begin slooshing noises…


AHHHH it’s coming to get me!!

In other green thumb news, we went to a small local farmers market tonight!  There were some cool farmers out with their yummy grub and we even ran into Shelly! It’s always great to see friends, especially when they come accompanied by their adorable children and Accountant husbands.  I’m not too sure if Shelly feels the same way, considering she and my husband were left to chat while the Accountants discussed some financial hot topics, but let’s hope she has the same feelings.

3 thoughts on “Hoping For Green

  1. 1st– you crack me up!
    2nd–I am seriously fah-reaked out by that growing mound of mud
    3rd-it was awesomesauce to run into you all too!
    4th–I’m with you in the wanting/lack of green thumbage
    5th-um, nada I just wanted to leave a lonnnnggg comment 😛

  2. Back in the day, we had 3 different kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, brussel sprouts, runner beans, zuchinni and pumpkin. It was a very crowded small garden!

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